Friday, May 29, 2020

Finley at Six Months


WEIGHT: 14 pounds 8 ounces (15th percentile)
HEIGHT: 26 inches (34th percentile)

 - "Patty Cake" with her hands
 - Standing with help
 - Mouth and cheek kisses
 - Fruit and peanut butter and toast
 - Sticking her hands in my mouth
 - Touching faces
 - Eating and touching hair
 - Teethers (especially her green alien and the blue ring with prongs)
 - Looking in mirrors
 - Water
 - Daddy (biggest smiles for Dustan whenever he looks at her)
 - Drinking from straws
 - Chewing/sucking on her toes
 - Exersaucer
 - Sneezing
 - Chewing on literally everything

 - Loud and sudden noises
 - Bumbo
 - Extended tummy time
 - Bottles
 - Doing any one activity for long (getting bored more easily with repition)

 - Rolling onto her side from her back
 - Sleeping on her side
 - Grabbing objects while on her belly
 - Drinking from a straw
 - Rolling from back to belly (only happened once at naptime, but she's so close!)
 - In a swing
 - Swim at the pool

 - Clothes size: 3-6 months
 - Diaper Size: One
 - Appeared to have forgotten how to roll from belly to back, even though we were sure she had just learned it last month haha
 - The bald spot on the back of her head is starting to fill in a bit, and the rest of her hair is looking thicker (and maybe slightly darker than Lou's?)
 - At the end of the month, started sleeping on her side about half the time
 - Nurses usually 6 times during 24 hours and still takes about 30 minutes each time she nurses and pops on and off constantly as she is distracted by everything around her
 - Regularly sleeps on her side, probably about half the time
 - Will often tip her head forward to rest her forehead against yours if you are holding her up near your face <3
 - Nicknames: Finny, Finn, Finny-Jen, Finny-babe, wiggle bum, little bug

Lots of pictures this month... She's just so CUTE!


7:30 am - Wake up, nurse
9:30 am - Nap
11:00 am - Nurse
1:15 pm - Nap
2:30 pm - Nurse
4:45 pm - Nap
5:30 pm - Nurse
7:00 pm - Bedtime routine, nurse
7:30 pm - Bed

**Usually eats in the middle of the night sometime between 4 and 6 am and goes back to sleep until about 7:30 ish.

This is about the same schedule Finley was on last month, though these days she stays awake longer between her naps. Towards the end of this month nap, she has been struggling a bit with her third nap and often cries when we put her down. We always go in and comfort her after a little bit, but she often won't calm and go to sleep until I nurse her to sleep, which I never do (except for that middle of the night feeding). And then she wakes up within 30 minutes and is upset. So hopefully that is just a fluke from the last week and this won't continue, but we'll see!

Finley has really started to find her voice this month, and does a nice variety of screaming and yelling. She will scream for fun and be smiling, especially if Eloise or someone else is doing it back. But more often, her screaming seems to be for attention. It isn't that Finn is crying, but she is bored or wants more direct attention than she's receiving or is starting to get tired. She can really get quite loud and high pitched too, haha. Sometimes it stresses Lou out a bit, so we've had to resort to say that Finn is "being silly" every time she's screaming, and that she's not mad or upset at Lou haha.

We have finally started really introducing some food this month, though still not consistently at all. So far, Finley doesn't seem super interested in purees or baby oatmeal. She seems to prefer eating mild foods that she can chew, or small chunks of fruit. And peanut butter, she loves that haha. She has eaten oatmeal and baby food a few times, but she just doesn't eat much before acting disinterested. Whereas I have seen her eat like a third of a piece of buttered toast (which I feel like is a lot in one sitting for her size, but maybe I just don't remember how much babies eat haha). I remember that Eloise was a bit of the opposite, and really only wanted purees or yogurt and smooth textures until like eight months, I think. Maybe that was because we started her on purees right at four months though? Who knows! Now, we're going to start getting solids in Finley more regularly, doing a mixture of table food and purees, but mostly table food (I don't want to deal with all the spoon feeding if I can help it). And she still won't take a bottle! Grr.

Finn has gotten so wiggly this month! At the beginning of this "month", it seemed that she had forgotten how to roll from front to back. But just a few days ago, the talent came back! She's gotten very good at rolling onto her side and grabbing at toys above her head, but she has only once rolled all the way onto her belly and it was in her crib during nap time, so I didn't even see it! Finley is now a grabbing pro and snatches at anything within her reach, though she doesn't retain her grip the best (unless of course, it's my hair).

She is sooo smiley and just loves when people make eye contact and just smile at her--she loves to be happy right back! Finley does seem to have a slight preference towards girls, except for Dustan. She just adores him. But generally, she wants to snuggle in and rest her head and smile at girls slightly more often than boys, it seems. It's hard to tell though, since we haven't spend too much time with others with this virus shutting down the whole world. I'm a little concerned Finley is going to be a complete homebody, since we haven't gone much of anywhere the last few months haha.

As always, I'm going to end my post with a few pictures of my favorite girls, who really seem like they're starting bond a little bit this month <3

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