Friday, June 26, 2020

Finley at Seven Months

 - Drinking water
 - Exersaucer
 - Fruit, especially berries
 - Toast, pancakes, and oatmeal
 - Cucumbers
 - Watching Eloise run around
 - Pool
 - Buzzing lips
 - Chest, rib, and neck tickles
 - Sitting up
 - Being outside
 - Nursing
 - Standing while being supported
 - Chewing on everything (but especially Lou's Disney princess figures)
 - Sneezing

 - Being out of my sight
 - Playing with the same things over and over again
 - Bottles
 - Bananas
 - Extended mat time (back and tummy time)

 - Rolling back to belly
 - Sleeping on her belly
 - Tooth
 - Clicking her tongue
 - Sitting up
 - Grabbing things with two fingers (pincer grasp)

 - Clothes size: 3-6 months
 - Diaper Size: Two
 - Hair is really starting to thicken up and mine is really starting to fall out a LOT, it's terrifying. I'll be bald in no time.
 - Sleeps on her side or belly a majority of the time.
 - So terribly distracted while nursing, I'm a little worried it's going to mess with my supply. Still never had any formula though! (I was not nursing Lou at all by this point.)
 - Really enjoys sticking her tongue out and spitting and clicking her tongue.


7:15 am - Wake up, nurse, breakfast
9:30 am - Nap
11:00 am - Nurse, lunch
1:15 pm - Nap
2:30 pm - Nurse
5:00 pm - Nap
5:30 pm - Nurse, dinner
7:15 pm - Bedtime routine, nurse
7:45 pm - Bed

Our girl is finally sleeping through the night, and no sleep training was involved!! I was getting ready to start sleep training her so I could end that early morning feeding around 5 am. But Finley started sleeping through all on her own! I think it started when she was consistently eating a decent amount of solids for three meals a day, and that helped her not need that middle of the night milk anymore. But who knows. She will still often wake up a little earlier than I would like. Lou is usually up between 7:30 and 8:00, so closer to then is preferred. But Finley is often up around 6:30 ish. I'll take it though.

And as I just mentioned, we have started consistently giving Finley three meals a day. And this girl loves real food! We haven't given her a ton of variety yet. But she likes most things. Not a big fan of plain yogurt (unlike Lou at this age, it was her fave) and purees or eggs, but she loves most carbs and fruit especially. I usually try to feed her about an hour after she nurses. This is generally some things that I give her:

Breakfast (8:30ish) - quick oats mixed with baby oatmeal and applesauce and/or other fruit, toast with butter and/or peanut butter, banana pancakes, german pancakes
Lunch (12:30ish) - plain whole milk yogurt with peanut butter or fruit, bean and cheese quesadilla, lunch meat and cheese, toast (she really loves buttered toast), leftovers, fruit and puffs
Dinner (6:00ish) - small chunks of whatever we're eating with fruit and veggies

This month, Finn really starting hitting those gross motor skill milestones! She began consistently rolling over both directions and will roll often to get the toys that she wants. She doesn't roll across the room to get things, just one little roll. Finley is also sitting up! She isn't totally sturdy yet, so I don't feel comfortable sitting her up without surrounding her with pillows since she still falls over often. But generally, she's pretty good! Especially when she's holding some toys and not reaching for things.

Finley's first little tooth popped through at the end of this month! She was a little fussy for a couple days and didn't go down for naps and bedtime as easily, but she was good other than that. Hopefully she is a good teething baby like Eloise. Her little tooth is so cute!

Finley has also gotten more clingy to me this month. She always wants to have me in her sights and loses it a bit when I leave the room and she can't see me anymore. She is a bit nervous around other people that she doesn't recognize, though that might also be because she hasn't been around others much because of the coronavirus, haha. She's also been a little more easily bored and harder to entertain. The sitting up helps though!

As always, Finley is still just the smiliest, happiest girl usually! She loves making eye contact with people and just giving them her huge, eye crinkly, gummy smiles! She also loves to rest her forehead on yours and give quick little shy snuggles while smiling. Ah I just adore this girl!

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