Sunday, April 26, 2020

Finley at Five Months

 - Dramatic breathing in
 - Cheek and mouth kisses
 - Mashed banana
 - Peanut Butter
 - Silicone teethers
 - "Patty Cake" with her hands
 - Raspberries on her belly
 - Big smiles in her direction
 - Standing with help
 - Flashing lights/noises on her exersaucer
 - Diaper changes

 - Bedtime routine (mostly getting pajamas on and getting sleep sack on)
 - Drinking water
 - Loud and sudden noises
 - Loud noise while nursing
 - Car rides
 - Bottles
 - Often bath time

 - Taste of real food (banana, strawberry, mashed potato, peanut butter, etc.)
 - More steady with standing while holding your hands
 - Grabbing objects
 - Bringing objects to her mouth
 - Knowing how to roll from belly to back one way

 - Clothes size: 0-3 and 3-6 months
 - Diaper Size: One
 - Nurses usually six times every 24 hours and a pretty regular pooper, going about twice a week.
 - We haven't officially started giving any regular purees or food or anything, just little tastes here and there.
 - Still has a bald spot on the back of her head, but the rest of her hair is coming in nicely (while mine is all falling out) and it is lighter than at birth, but maybe a little darker than Lou's?
 - Kicks her legs and slams her feet back down when she's excited and/or when she's trying to sleep.
 - Still takes about 30-40 minutes to nurse each time (except for in the middle of the night).
 - Almost always has fingers, hands, arms, etc. in her mouth and is often drooling.
 - When she has her biggest smiles (you can see them above), she crinkles her nose and we looooove it!


7:30 am - Wake up, nurse
9:10 am - Nap
11:00 am - Nurse
12:45 pm - Nap
2:30 pm - Nurse
4:20 pm - Nap
5:30 pm - Nurse
7:00 pm - Bedtime routine, nurse
7:30 pm - Bed

**Usually eats in the middle of the night sometime between 3 and 6 am.

We switched Finley over to a schedule with three naps each day and an earlier bedtime that lines up with Eloise's, and it has been so nice to have more time with just Dustan and me. I was worried that when we suddenly moved up Finley's bedtime by two hours that she would start waking up more often in the middle of the night, but it went great! It didn't eliminate her waking up in the middle of the night, but she didn't wake up any more often. Once we see how Finley's weight gain is going at her six month appointment, we will probably sleep train to get rid of that middle of the night feeding. This was about the time when I needed to start supplementing with Eloise because she wasn't gaining enough though, so I don't want to drop that feeding for Finley until I'm sure she's doing well.

Unfortunately, Finley has decided she hates bottles this month. I think she dislikes the taste of water, so when I started trying to give her sips here and there of water from a bottle, she associated the bottle with water, rather than milk. This is a bit frustrating because Finn almost exclusively took bottles the first couple months of her life, haha. We'll be working on this a lot in the next month.

Finley has learned how to roll from belly to back! She has done it loads of time since she was just a couple weeks old, but I'm sure they were all on accident. But I think she actually has learned how now, and does it regularly--though only to one side, haha. She also regularly will get on her side from her back, so perhaps rolling back to front will follow soon. And she has really started to get the hang of grabbing objects and putting them in her mouth.

Finley fits in the "Adventure Buddy" onesie we made for Lou! *heart eyes*

Finn has also gotten a little less content to just lay around this month. She needs more entertainment from us, more variety, and less laying down and kicking. She will act fussy when she's not tired, but because she is bored of whatever activity we have her doing. So she requires a little more attention these days. But she is still such a smiley little thing! I think her biggest smiles are when she sees me first thing in the morning.

Eloise has really started to get better with Finley this month. She loves to help me go get Finley from her room after naps, participate in putting her down, and will even try to entertain Finn when she's upset. I'm so proud of my girls!

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