Thursday, March 26, 2020

Finley at Four Months

Finny was not particularly interested in smiling for the camera today, and I could barely keep her fingers out of her mouth haha

WEIGHT: 12 pounds 10 ounces

 - Happy faces and baby voices
 - Sucking/chewing on her hands
 - "Patty Cake" and "Row Your Boat" with her hands or feet
 - Nursing
 - Watching Lou jump around
 - Diaper changes (she just smiles up at you the whole time)
 - Singing
 - Small stuffed panda on her baby gym
 - Belly tickles
 - Bathtime
 - Laying on her back on the rug and just kicking around

 - The carseat when not moving
 - Extended tummy time
 - Being squished or hit (Lou is to blame, though it's never on purpose)
 - Very loud singing/voices (Lou and Dustan to blame here haha)

 - Tiny teaser giggle
 - Pandemic
 - Sitting in the bumbo
 - Got onto her side from her back
 - Rotate while on belly or back

 - Clothes size: 0-3 months
 - Diaper Size: One
 - Got her third cold this year :( we can't escape the sickness in this house! Just hoping we don't get anything worse than nasty colds! Thankfully it didn't turn into RSV like her cold in January.
 - Not much interest in sitting or standing with help.
 - Maybe starting to reach towards things to try and grab them occasionally?
 - Still takes about 40 minutes to nurse each time. Still takes a bottle well though!
 - If Dustan is anywhere near while nursing, she stares at him the whole time haha
 - Still rolls from front to back occasionally, but doesn't seem to actually know how she does it.
 - Bedtime song is part of "Some Things Never Change" from Frozen 2 :)


Finley's schedule hasn't really changed at all from last months, other than she stays awake a bit longer between naps. Here are rough times at the end of the month:

7:00 am - Wake up for the day, nurse, play
8:20 am - Nap
10:15 am - Nurse then play
11:50 am - Nap
1:45 pm - Nurse then play
3:30 pm - Nap
5:00 pm - Nurse then play
6:45 pm - Cat nap
7:45 pm - Nurse, play a little, bedtime routine (bath, lotion, pajamas), eat again
9:30 pm - Bedtime (song and sleepsack)

**Usually eats once in the middle of the night for about 10 minutes between 4 and 6 am.

Finley is able to stay awake for almost two hours at once by the end of the day, but she starts off the day being extra tired. I gradually increase her wake time between naps by about 15 minutes every time. Usually her first two naps of the day are pretty good and I often have to wake her from them. The evening naps are definitely a little more hit or miss. This next month we hope to move her bedtime a bit earlier, drop that late cat nap, and hopefully get her sleeping through the night more often! She hasn't slept through since she got a cold almost two weeks ago. And lately she acts starving in the middle of the night, so maybe she is going through a growth spurt. We'll see!

We have had only a couple little teaser giggles (can't wait for more!), but she is smiling all the time. She's such a happy girl. She especially just loves when you talk or sing to her while looking straight into her eyes. Or watching Lou dance around and be her crazy self. Finn also especially loves playing around while nursing, and smiles at me so much that I have to forgive her for popping on and off again and again.

Eloise loves it when I have Finley do things that she likes me or herself to do haha. Lou was giggling so hard the other day when I pretended Finn was running around chasing her by holding her close to the ground. Eloise also loves to help/hinder nap time by being the one to turn out the lights and turn on the white noise, and singing Finn's song super loudly and off-key along with me, haha. Thankfully, Finley doesn't seem to mind one bit, and honestly probably loves it.

And finally, just a couple shots of my favorite girls. Lou desperately wanted to participate in Finn's four month shoot, but then refused to smile once I let her on the bed, haha. Oh well, they're still the most beautiful girls in the land!!

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