Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Finley at Three Months

 - Lip and nose tickles
 - High pitched baby talk to her
 - "Patty Cake" with her hands or feet
 - Belly and neck tickles
 - Nursing
 - Stroking my hair on her face
 - Cheek kisses
 - Bathtime
 - Singing
 - Watching Lou running around

 - The carseat when not in a moving car
 - Super extended tummy time (like more than 10 minutes)
 - Being squished (Lou is to blame, haha)

 - Puts herself to sleep for all naps and bedtime (and will often self soothe throughout)
 - Sleeping in her own room
 - Sleeping on a flat surface without a swaddle
 - Movie at the theater (Frozen 2)
 - Brings her fists to her mouth to suck on
 - Sleeping through the night (8-9 hour stretches without nursing)

 - Clothes size: 0-3 months
 - Diaper Size: One
 - We transitioned Finley from a tight swaddle to just a sleep sack, and it went so well! Just a few days of waking herself more often with flailing arms.
 - Very grumpy and sad the day she had to get two month shots, she had about an hour long meltdown in the afternoon where she refused to nurse and finally cried herself to sleep while I was holding her.
 - People regularly comment on how much hair she has, and we just chuckle because she has so much less hair than Lou did ;) but it is coming in nicely on top while the bald spot grows in the back!
 - Loves to stare at Dustan while nursing.
 - Takes sooooo long to nurse still, about 40-50 minutes each time. Is is possible to make her more efficient at this?! And I'm still the one to cut her off at the end of each session once she has gotten two letdowns on each side.
 - Has two adorable dimples!!


7:00 am - Wake up for the day, eat, wake, sleep
10:15 am - Eat, wake, sleep
1:45 pm - Eat, wake, sleep
5:00 pm - Eat, wake, sleep
7:45 pm - Eat, wake, bedtime routine (bath, lotion, pajamas), eat again
9:30 pm - Bedtime

Any middle of the night feedings usually happen sometime between 4 and 6 am, though she slept all the way through a few times! It was awesome! And this schedule isn't exact, just rough times we aim for. Finley almost always gets this many feedings each day, and usually the first and last two feedings are at the same time. But the other feedings during the day are often a little more off depending on how naps go. Typically, we aim to have her first three naps be around 90 minutes each and the last nap is more of a catnap and lasts less than an hour. Finley's first awake time during the day lasts just an hour. The wake times gradually get longer throughout the day, and her last wake time before bed is usually between 90 minutes and two hours. This general schedule has been working really well the last couple weeks! I just wish she would start to nurse a bit faster, because I feel like I have no time o play with her before she is tired and wants to nap again.

Oh man, this little darling of ours just keeps getting cuter and more smiley and happy each day! If you even just make eye contact with her, Finn is usually smiling. She is so happy and content. She will lay on our rug and look around for the entire time it gets me to make and eat breakfast with Lou. She will watch us play and just smile at us. She is such a happy little thing and will just lay around kicking and grinning.

This month Dustan took his three week paternity leave and it was amazing!! Below is a picture of when we took a day trip to a lake about an hour and half south to a little lake. The girls had a blast and Finley napped the entire drive there and napped on the beach in her bassinet.

Eloise has also started to get a little more interested in Finley this month, and likes to help out with diaper changes, turning on the white noise for naps, and joining her during tummy time. Eloise will even try to comfort her when she is crying. I love seeing my girls together!!

I feel like we are finally starting to get into a good rhythm together as a family, just in time for everything in the world to go a bit crazy, haha. Thankful for all of them and healthy babies!

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