Saturday, June 8, 2019

First Trimester with Baby #2

WE ARE HAVING ANOTHER BABY!! We can't wait to add another sweet little babe to our family :)

I have been pretty bad at blogging in the last year-ish, so I know I won't be tracking this pregnancy month to month like I did with my first pregnancy with Eloise, but I hope to track each trimester! I love having this record, and I have already looked back at my other pregnancy blog posts to remember what to look forward to. So, here is a short record!

The due date of our baby is December 9th, 2019 (Lou's was December 1st, 2017--so close together). 

Once again, we realized I was pregnant fairly early on and I had already been feeling a little bit nauseas on and off the week or so before finding out, so I was suspicious. Like with Eloise, I was feeling constantly nauseas within 6 weeks. But unlike last time, I am also EXHAUSTED. I was tired with my first pregnancy, but this is so much more! I literally will fall asleep while reading Eloise books. I will fall asleep laying on the floor when a bout of sickness hits and Lou plays around me. I'm so tired all the time, which is not a great combo with the nausea. Silver lining though, the nausea hasn't been quite as bad this time around. Constant from 6 weeks to about 15 weeks, but only throwing up about 3 to 6 ish times a week, whereas with Lou, is was that many times a day at the beginning. Such an improvement.

I've had many aversions again, mostly towards meat and veggies. For the first couple months, I basically lived off of cereal with milk and bagels with cream cheese and fresh fruit. Poor Eloise and Dustan also ate rather poorly this month, thanks to all my aversions to food and lack of cooking. But we've all survived, haha.

I started showing a bump (read: chubbiness) much earlier this time around as well, which I was expecting but not really wanting haha. Though during this first trimester, it hasn't ever really looked like an actual baby bump, especially to those who don't know. So I decided to just hide the chub and wait until it was round enough to show off.

We used the pictures above to announce my pregnancy to the world. The pictures below are the ones we used to announce to our families beforehand. We sent them these pictures and the message, "Find the difference!" We thought we were so funny, reusing the same picture from when we announced our pregnancy with Eloise because their due dates are in the same month.

Though I'm a little terrified at the prospect of having an infant around the house again, we can't wait to meet our baby!

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