Thursday, June 20, 2019

Eloise at 18 Months


WEIGHT: 22 pounds
HEIGHT: 30 inches

 - Reading books
 - Milk
 - Fruit (especially berries and citrus)
 - Stuffed animals
 - Climbing on everything
 - Music and dancing
 - Talking on the phone
 - "Little Baby Bums" on Netflix
 - Sensory bin activities
 - Ball pits
 - Playgrounds and parks
 - Pools and baths
 - Yogurt
 - Playing hide-and-seek
 - Hikes
 - Animals
 - Disney music
 - Peek-a-boo
 - Pushing strollers, carts, etc.
 - Sweeping

 - Vegetables
 - Not being understood
 - Not getting what she wants when she wants it
 - Nursery

 - Says (hi, mama, dada, hot, uh oh, wow, no), ball, help, nose, banana, baby, tree, cheese, car, Mochi (her stuffed panda), feet, shoes, knock knock, excuse me, hat, airplane, bath, panda, crocodile, elephant, eyes, hands, and probably a handful of others I've forgotten about :)
 - Signs (more, milk, hot, cold, cheese, book, all done), water, tree, car, hat, airplane
 - Added many more animal sounds to her repertoire
 - Can locate many body parts on herself and others and dolls/stuffed animals (nostril makes me laugh the most)
 - "Folds" her arms to pray
 - Climbs unto chairs and tables
 - Feeds herself most foods

 - Now has 11 teeth, 3 of which are molars. She got a LOT of teeth in the last few months!
 - Still wears a size three diaper during the day and size four at night, and is mostly in size 12 to 18 months clothes size, with a few random things larger or smaller in size.
 - Her hair hanging in her face actually bothers her these days, and she often tries to pull it out of the way with minimal success.
 - Has discovered that she can do more with her legs and feet than just walk around, and now does all sorts of funny shuffling, stomping, and dance-like movements all the time.
 - Throws hilarious and ridiculous tantrums over little things. Where do kids learn to throw tantrums?! She will throw herself on the ground, stamp her feet, clench her hands, yell, everything!
 - We've tried nursery (church daycare) only a couple times, and so far she is terrified. Hopefully this improves! Fingers crossed.
 - Has a little bit of stranger danger, and is a total and complete mama's girl.

Eloise is just more fun every day, which I know I will be saying probably the rest of my life! Except maybe through the terrible twos and threes...? Who knows, haha. But Lou is learning so many new things all the time, whether it's new words, actions, goofy things that make us smile, etc. I genuinely enjoy spending time with her during the day. I loved being with her as a baby, of course. But now I actually have fun and laugh too! It is wonderful! Her personality is really starting to shine through. She is curious and determined and loves to smile and laugh. She is soooo high energy and never stops moving. I sure miss those baby cuddles sometimes, but this is more fun.

I'll try to write a bit more next time I update on Eloise. But since I wrote the majority of this before Lou was 18 months old and now is 21 months, I can't remember exactly what she was like a few months ago, haha. But I hope this update is good enough for my records :)

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