Monday, November 30, 2020


 We can't believe our girls are now three and one! This last year went by so fast. We had a small party the weekend before Thanksgiving (in between Eloise's and Finley's birthdays) while my family was in town and with the Tudors as well. It was low-key and delicious celebration with cake, ice cream, and some gifts. 

We started the party with a small cake smash for Finley! She desperately wanted to touch the fire on the candle, and had no idea how to blow it out haha. After the candle was removed, it took some coaxing to get her to try and eat some of the cake. She refused to go all in, but she enjoyed scooping off small fingerfuls of frosting and eating them :) She also tried to stand using the cake for leverage, which was hilarious haha. Finn may have enjoyed spreading cake on the ground more than eating it.

After focusing on Finley for a few minutes, we brought out a second chocolate cake for Eloise! She loved being sung too and giggled and grinned the whole time, and loved blowing her candles out! We shared her chocolate bundt cake with everyone, though she preferred the side of ice cream over the cake and asked for multiple helpings, haha. 

After cake and ice cream, we opened some presents. Thank you so everyone who spoiled my girls!! Finley still didn't really get what was going on, but she was excited about what she saw under the wrapping paper. Lou was ecstatic about all her new princesses and didn't even want to continue opening more gifts, she just wanted to play with what she had! We got Finley a music set and Eloise her first pedal bike :)

We're so grateful to call these beautiful girls ours. They make our lives so fun and meaningful, and we can't imagine our lives without them.

Happy birthday Eloise and Finley!! We love you both so <3

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