Monday, November 30, 2020


 We can't believe our girls are now three and one! This last year went by so fast. We had a small party the weekend before Thanksgiving (in between Eloise's and Finley's birthdays) while my family was in town and with the Tudors as well. It was low-key and delicious celebration with cake, ice cream, and some gifts. 

We started the party with a small cake smash for Finley! She desperately wanted to touch the fire on the candle, and had no idea how to blow it out haha. After the candle was removed, it took some coaxing to get her to try and eat some of the cake. She refused to go all in, but she enjoyed scooping off small fingerfuls of frosting and eating them :) She also tried to stand using the cake for leverage, which was hilarious haha. Finn may have enjoyed spreading cake on the ground more than eating it.

After focusing on Finley for a few minutes, we brought out a second chocolate cake for Eloise! She loved being sung too and giggled and grinned the whole time, and loved blowing her candles out! We shared her chocolate bundt cake with everyone, though she preferred the side of ice cream over the cake and asked for multiple helpings, haha. 

After cake and ice cream, we opened some presents. Thank you so everyone who spoiled my girls!! Finley still didn't really get what was going on, but she was excited about what she saw under the wrapping paper. Lou was ecstatic about all her new princesses and didn't even want to continue opening more gifts, she just wanted to play with what she had! We got Finley a music set and Eloise her first pedal bike :)

We're so grateful to call these beautiful girls ours. They make our lives so fun and meaningful, and we can't imagine our lives without them.

Happy birthday Eloise and Finley!! We love you both so <3

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Finley is ONE!


 - Playing peek-a-boo
 - Crawling over objects (and often falling over the other side, haha)
 - Fruit, especially berries
 - Chasing/crawling after Eloise, whether she does it herself or you hold her
 - Hugs and kisses from Eloise
 - Drinking water
 - Bath and pool time
 - Playing in dirt and sand
 - Seeing me or Dustan after a time apart
 - Playing with hair
 - Toast and banana pancakes and cheerios german pancakes and oatmeal
 - Dancing and music
 - Ice cream
 - Cups/water bottles with straws
 - Nursing in the morning

 - Being hungry
 - Long car rides (usually anything over like 30 minutes)
 - Being laid on her back (clothes and diaper changes)
 - Most vegetables and meat and eggs
 - Not being part of the fun/feeling left out

 - Halloween
 - Super consistently pulling to stand on as much as possible
 - Takes steps/moves her feet while standing and holding your hands
 - Stands independently for short amounts of time
 - Waving
 - Says (mama, dada, uh-oh), hi
 - Dances to music by bouncing her booty
 - Sings along to songs (just one, "Into the Unknown")
 - Stands in the middle of the floor

 - Weight: 17 pounds 8 ounces (15th percentile)
 - Clothes: 6-9 and 9-12 months
 - Diaper: Size 3
 - Because Finley refused to drink any of the frozen breastmilk I had stashed away for her (grateful I didn't need to use it though), I ended up being about to donate about 350 oz to other mamas that needed it :)
 - Six teeth and blue eyes! Though in some lights they often look hazel and/or gray as well. I'm still not positive they will stay blue.
 - More cuddly this month, for very short spurts <3
 - Light brown hair that is in a constant messy state, and she refuses to keep bows in.
 - Nicknames: Finn, Finny, Finny-Jen, Finn Finn, Finny-babe, Finny-Finny-Boo-Boo, Sweet Thing, Honey Bunches

Finley, once again, is still on the same two nap schedule. I hope it lasts a while yet! She doing great at taking at least hour long naps usually, and rarely wakes before 7:00 am. It's been a great schedule so far! She has been less interested in nursing lately, especially after her second nap, so I might consolidate her two middle nursing sessions and see if that goes better. We'll see.

7:30 am - Wake up and nurse
8:30 am - Breakfast
10:00 am - Nap
11:30 am - Nurse
12:30 pm - Lunch
2:30 pm - Nap
4:00 pm - Nurse and snack 
6:00 pm - Dinner
7:15 pm - Nurse, bedtime routine
7:30 pm - Bed

Finn has gotten so quick at crawling, and now pulls to stand on everything! She has started to very slowly walk around on furniture, but not very often. She usually prefer to sit down, crawl over a couple feet, and just stand back up. She also has figured out how to stand independently in the middle of the floor for a couple seconds before sitting back down. Her legs will be jacked soon with all the squatting she does ;)

Each month, Finley's personality just grows and I love it! She is so smiley and happy natured, and lately more feisty as well. It's not hard to get a smile from her and she is so content. She has learned from Lou and will throw herself on the ground and lay her head down when she doesn't get what she wants, which is just hilarious. Finn and Lou are also playing together and interacting more, and it makes me so happy! Finn just loves to follow her around and try to do whatever her sister is doing.

Taken on her actual birthday, after our 5k Turkey Trot

We had a little party for the girls while my family (a few days early because Finley's actual birthday was on Thanksgiving), and they got totally spoiled <3 We did a small smash cake for Finley, and she was very dainty about it! She refused to go all in, even with some coaxing haha. But she loved just dipping one finger into the frosting a licking it off slowly. It was darling! Afterward, we opened some presents and Finley loved the music set Dustan and I got for her! I'll make a blog post for the birthday party and post it next :)

We LOVE our sweet and happy girl!! She is perfect for our family and we're so grateful for her. Finley's personality is starting to shine and we can't wait to see who she becomes. She has the best, most crinkliest and toothy grin and loves to share it with everyone. Happy birthday to my beautiful girl!

Friday, November 20, 2020

Eloise is THREE!

 - Bike rides (with us, or on her Strider)
 - All things Disney, but especially the princesses and Frozen characters the most
 - Watching animated movies
 - Fruit, ice cream, and breakfast foods
 - Playground
 - Back tickles
 - Reading books
 - Looking at "I Spy" books
 - Trampolines
 - Helping cook and clean
 - Wearing dresses every single day
 - Coloring and painting
 - Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon
 - Running around outside
 - All things water: pool, bath, water table, dishes, etc.
 - Hiking
 - Imaginary play, especially with her princess and animal figurines
 - Anna and Elsa braids in her hair
 - Putting on makeup with me
 - The color pink
 - Dancing AKA running in circles 
 - Wearing princess clothes

 - Vegetables and most meat
 - Loud, sudden  and unknown noises
 - Engine noises
 - Boogers in her nose
 - Being sick or hurting in any way

 - Counting to 20 (usually correctly? haha)
 - Pee trained on the potty!
 - Gliding on her Strider for 10+ feet
 - Hiking for over a mile at a time
 - Knowing all her basic shapes and colors
 - Knows most letters and numbers 0-9
 - Drawing recognizable things/shapes
 - Climb nearly everything at most parks

 - Still takes a nap nearly every day, though I'm not sure how much longer that will last. If the nap is longer than an hour, it usually takes Eloise a while to fall asleep that night. She still goes to bed at 7:30 pm sleeps until about 7:30 am.
 - Never had a haircut in her life, and her pretty hair is now down to her waist. She dislikes it tucked behind her ears, and constantly holds it out of her face with her right hand when she doesn't have a clip in or have it out of her face.
 - Breakfast is her best (and favorite) meal, and she tends to eat a little less for lunch, and less for dinner.
 - Does a wonderful job peeing on the potty, but refuses to go number two and still wears a pull-up when sleeping.
 - Loves to talk and with chatter at you all day long. She also loves to narrate what she is doing, and also will say what she wants you to say to her.
 - Lou is still sooo ticklish, and loves to be tickled! She laughs especially hard when you tickle her while giving her a hug or while wrestling.

I have to include just a few of my favorite photos of Eloise from the last few months ish :)

Eloise's Favorite Books:
 - Your Personal Penguin
 - Pout Pout Fish
 - Little Blue Truck
 - I Spy books
 - Princess books (with electronic reader)
 - Puck's Peculiar Pet Shop

Eloise's Favorite Music:
 - Anything from the Frozen movies, but especially "Into the Unknown"
 - "This is Berk" and "Coming Back Around" from How to Train Your Dragon
 - Anything by Phil Collins in the Tarzan movie, but especially "Two Worlds"
 - Anything from The Lion King, bust especially "Hakuna Matata" and "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?"
 - "Imperial March" from Star Wars (this was a short phase, but hilarious)
 - "Axel F" by Crazy Frog
 - "When Will My Life Begin" from Tangled (mainly because Dustan plays this song whenever he brushes her hair)

Eloise's Favorite Movies/Shows:
 - Frozen I and Frozen II
 - Tangled
 - The Magic School Bus
 - How to Train Your Dragon
 - Llama Llama

I desperately wanted to record more of Eloise, but it is hard to remember exactly what she was like a few months ago. I guess that is the problem when I fall behind on my blogs! But I still can't believe we have a three year old! She is feisty and beautiful and tough and absolutely hilarious. We love you, Eloise!!