Friday, September 27, 2019

Second Trimester with Baby Girl #2

Remember that one time I took belly bump pictures at least every two weeks when I was pregnant with Eloise? Ha. What a joke this time around, I've taken about five bump pictures total this time around. Poor, neglected second child!

These two bump pictures were taken in the first few weeks of the second trimester:

This month we had our anatomy ultrasound and learned that we are HAVING ANOTHER GIRL!! I cannot wait! I was honestly, secretly hoping for a girl (but maybe boys just scare me a little, who knows haha). But in a very unemotional way, having another girl is so convenient right now, since both our girls will be born in the same season, so we have little to nothing to have to prepare for and we know kinda what to expect. Maybe. Hopefully. Right?!

Just with my last pregnancy, the second half of the second trimester is my favorite part of the pregnancy. My nausea mostly subsided by about 17 weeks, though I still need to eat regularly and now that we're living in ridiculously hot Arizona, I also have to be careful not to get too overheated. But if I avoid an empty stomach and keep mostly cool, I feel great! Baby girl isn't large enough to be uncomfortable yet, though she moves very often throughout the day and is strong enough that Dustan can also feel her occasionally.

My diet has mostly returned to normal (I'm able to eat whatever I want and things generally sound good to me), but my sweet tooth is completely out of control. I just want something sweet, especially chocolate, after every meal. I usually treat myself after dinner, but try to avoid it otherwise and it's terrible, haha.

The heartburn is starting to set in a bit more, especially in the evenings. I've been able to limit my Tums intake to just a couple a day right now, and hopefully it won't get too much worse! Also, I have gained about 15 pounds so far, which is over 5 pounds less than what I had gained with Eloise at this point. It would be nice to keep the weight gain a little lower this time around, though I'm not concerned about it in any way. Just interesting, because I feel like I am exercising less this time around, though maybe Lou keeps me more active than I realize haha.

And final good news, I passed my glucose test the first try this time around! I'm very glad I didn't have to do the second round. Though my iron levels are quite low, so I need to be eating accordingly to keep those where they should be.

This bump pic was taken at the very end of the second trimester:

For anyone interested in knowing our baby registry, here it is! There isn't much on it this time around since we have most everything we need for baby girl, but I wanted to take advantage of that 15% off coupon from Amazon and will likely be adding some random stuff to it ;)

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