Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Nebo Loop Camping

We went camping twice this year! I would have loved to go more, but it is so hard with a baby! The first time we went, Dustan's brother Garrett and his then fiance (now wife!) Lindsay came with us. We had delicious brats and s'mores for dinner and stayed up late talking. Eloise actually did really well overnight. She was more restless than normal, but didn't ever cry. Lou did wake up a bit earlier than normal and strongly disliked the freezing cold water that made her bottle, hence the bottle warming by the fire picture, haha.

The second time we went was more recently, this fall once the new school year started. This time, we were joined by Dustan's sister Erin and her roommate, Dustan's cousin Jess and her husband John, and our married friends Blake and Melissa. Unfortunately, we have no pictures with everyone because Jess, John, Blake, and Melissa arrived after it was pretty dark. But while it was still light out, we enjoyed hiking a hill nearby and enjoying the fall colors, playing in the hammocks, and taking some fun pictures. Again, we had brats for dinner (so yummy) and stayed up late talking. This night, Eloise did not do so well... She was up nearly every hour after midnight crying. We would pick her up, but she would refuse to go back in her pack-n-play without screaming. So she ended up in bed with me the whole night. She would sleep in small increments snuggled up to me, which meant I slept terribly. But she still woke up often and just wanted to play and would cry when we tried to get her to sleep again. It was rough. I think we will probably wait until she is a little older (and where it's warmer) to go again, maybe next summer. But the evening and following morning were fun!

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