Thursday, January 25, 2018

Back to School/Fall Fun!

Just a short compilation of photos and descriptions of some of our fun activities from the end of August and school starting and before baby girl came :) We were able to have some nice, relaxed fun! This was supposed to gave been posted by Thanksgiving, whoops, haha.

Weekend in St. George

We went down to St. George with some of Dustan's family for Labor Day Weekend and had a blast! The main purpose of the trip was for the older boys to get some mountain biking in. The rest of us spent some time relaxing, eating good food, hiking, etc. Thanks Everett family!!

Football Games

BYU football games are a fall staple around here! We have gone to as many games as we can, though not as many as normal seasons. BYU's football team is a little rough this year, but the games are always still fun with some friends :)

Muse Concert

For my birthday back in March, Dustan got me tickets to see one of my favorite bands in concert, MUSE. I had seen them a couple times before, and they are incredible live. I had been anticipating the concert for months, and it finally came around in September! It was at the outdoor USANA Amphitheater in West Valley, and we got awesome lawn seats right up next to the rail with no one in front of us. 30 Seconds to Mars opened (good music, but have major potty mouths) and then MUSE came on and they were awesome. No chit chat from them, just all music. They did GREAT!

Kraus Family Visit

For their fall break in Colorado, the Krauses came to visit us for a few days! The main purpose was so that they could try out more of the mountain biking in the area. I am not mountain biking right now (I would probably crash and kill baby), but I enjoyed some hiking while they biked.

We also went on a fun hike to the Fifth Water Hot Springs up Spanish Fork Canyon, it was gorgeous and way fun, as always. Though far more busy this time of year compared to when we went back in February.

Festival of Bacon

We have a few friends that host a "Festival of Bacon" each year the weekend before Thanksgiving, where they cook up a huge mountain of bacon and gorge themselves on it. One of the few rules of their festival is that there needs to be more bacon than the previous year. This year, there was a whopping 18 pounds of bacon. We cooked all the bacon together within a couple hours, then ate it with fancy drinks and ice cream.

I was in charge of the bacon stacking

Mountain Biking

Though already briefly mentioned above in the St. George trip and Kraus family visit, Dustan has loved doing a lot of mountain biking this summer and fall. He tried togo at least a couple times a week. It is his all time favorite sport! Pictures to come :)

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! I cant believe I missed this one. I cant get over that bacon. It seems like you guys had a good fall before the babes came.
