I couldn't choose just one of Eloise's two month pictures to add, I mean seriously, look at that face! *insert heart eyes emoji*
WEIGHT: 9 pounds 15.5 ounces (14th percentile)
HEIGHT: 23 inches (71st percentile)
CLOTHES SIZE: Newborn and 0-3 Months (but only like two things in the larger size)
- Play time in the morning (her happiest time)
- Hair dryer
- Being vigorously bounced on an exercise ball
- Loud cheek kisses
- "Her throne"
- Being outside and moving around
- Baths
- Having no clothes on while laying down (strong Moro/falling reflex)
- Hiccups
- Car seat
- Cold things touching her (wipes, hands, etc.)
- Nap time
- Getting boogers sucked out
- Tummy time
- Christmas! (5 weeks)
- Intentional ADORABLE smiles (5 weeks)
- Ride in a stroller (5 weeks)
- New Years (6 weeks)
- Roll over from tummy to back (6 weeks)
- Movie at the theater (6 weeks)
- Cold :( (8 weeks)
- Cooing and "talking" (8 weeks)
- Still pouts often, it is SO cute. Pictures way below!
- Dustan is the master burper and bouncer
- Fairly consistently sleeping 4-5 hours at a time in her bassinet at night
- Very good head control by the end of the month, can almost hold it up indefinitely
- Eye tracking pro--when she feels like it ;)
- Sad little coughing cry when she's hungry
- Still has a huge belly, haha
- Cluster feeds from about dinner to bedtime like clockwork--this is also her fussy time
- Eyes are maybe starting to look blue?!
Christmas was so fun this year, even if Eloise was so young that she slept and nursed through the entire thing. I enjoyed putting her in little Christmas outfits and bows and opening all her presents for her, haha. We really just can't wait until she is a little older, enough to open her own presents and understand the holiday a little more. It will be the best!
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Christmas Eve church dress! |
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Christmas cousins! |
Eloise decided to really get into the New Years Even festivities and stayed up from about 6 pm to 1 am straight. It was a little rough. She refused to sleep, and just wanted to nurse constantly while we were partying. But, Eloise got to actually be up for New Years, woohoo! Funny story about the pictures below. Dustan and I were just about to have a New Years kiss (after banging pots and spoons outside for a few minutes right at midnight) with our sparkling cider. Right as we were about to kiss, Dustan's little brother exclaimed that he burned his face with a sparkler AND Eloise did a huge poop I could feel on my hand. Hence, this picture. One of the firsts of 2018!
This month brought SMILES. The prettiest most happiest smiles! They were very scarce at the beginning (starting around 5 weeks) and would come out most often first thing in the morning. Eloise would be fussing and crying after waking up in the morning, then would give us the biggest smiles when she saw us coming to get her and saying "good morning!". Her smiles make even the most sleepless night worth it--usually ;) We weren't able to capture any of her smiles in pictures (only videos) until we did her two month pictures seen at the top of this post. So below we have her best pouty faces, haha.
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Actual TEARS in her eyes, heartbreaking |
Once we got home from Colorado after Christmas break, Eloise decided that she was going to completely boycott naps. For over a week, she would only sleep a few hours total during the day (from hours about 9 am to 10 pm) TOPS. Sometimes she slept as little at 45 minutes the whole day! It was a disaster. We spent hours trying to get her to sleep, with no progress. It was rough on her and us. She was sleeping at night still, but not great. We finally decided we needed to get Eloise on a bit of a schedule, which we started right after her two month shots. More to come on that on her third month blog post!
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I love those squishy lips! |
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"Dad, stop embarrassing me." |