Monday, November 27, 2017

Month 9 with Baby K

The FINAL COUNTDOWN!! The next post up will be all about our sweet baby girl being born :)

This month was definitely the most uncomfortable month of all. I get Braxton Hicks all the time, many each hour of the day. And though they were rarely painful, they occasionally cause discomfort. I had a couple more instances where I had contractions without going into labor. The contractions were inconsistently about 10 minutes apart, quite painful, and lasted for a couple hours. They never progressed more than that though (to mine and Dustan's disappointment, haha). My round ligament pain got even worse. Almost any movement/position that was slightly different from simply sitting, standing, or laying (such as lifting legs to put on pants, going up or down stairs, or changing positions while sleeping) really hurt a lot. It really took away my desire to do some low key exercising to get baby out, haha. And same as last month, I just felt heavy, large, and unable to do a lot of the things that I wanted. And just so exhausted and ready and overall uncomfortable in my body.

We took a few more maternity pictures at 37 weeks, here are some of our favorites. The sunset that night was incredible on Utah Lake!!

My goal had been to work as much as possible until the week before Thanksgiving break. And I succeeded! Though I was taking a half or full day off each week to go to my baby appointments, I was working every other day. The days felt more exhausting than normal while working and I just felt so over it, but I appreciated that it helped time go by faster. I feel that if I hadn't been working about 30 hours a week, I would have been even more anxious to meet baby girl than I already was.

 - Getting Braxton Hicks at least a couple times an hour, sometimes more.
 - Round ligament pain is SO painful. Probably the worst part of being pregnant this month,
 - Baby girl gets the hiccups every single day, multiple times a day. Usually right when I'm trying to sleep, of course.
 - So hot all the time, especially when sleeping. Opening the window at night even when it is below 40 degrees, sorry husband!
 - Eating so many Tums every day, but not usually completely maxing out according to my OB. The acid reflux is so bad and annoying!
 - Occasional bouts of nausea, though nothing compared to the horribleness of my first trimester.
 - Sleeping like a rock some nights because I am so exhausted, other nights I wake up every 15 minutes from pain, discomfort, bad dreams, etc. There is no consistency!
 - Very easily out of breath from the simplest tasks. Occasionally out of breath suddenly for no reason at all, like when I'm laying down at night trying to sleep.
 - About 28 pounds above pre-pregnancy weight.
 - Aversions: Tums (even the brand name ones are getting gross now)
 - Cravings: peanut butter pie, raspberry pretzel jello

For anyone interested in knowing our baby registry information, here it is!

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