Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Month 7 with Baby K


27 weeks
Baby girls movements really started to change about half way through this month. Instead of light and fast kicks or taps, I can feel slow pushing and stretching. Sometimes one of her limbs will stay pushed against my stomach for multiple seconds. It is the coolest feeling. And she is seriously just moving around all the time, no matter what I'm doing. About halfway through the month, I began to feel baby girl far less on the bottom half of my stomach (beforehand, this was where I felt her most) and constantly around my ribs instead. This made me think baby girl had maybe moved into head down position, which I think usually happens by 34ish weeks and I was at 28 weeks at the time. These rib movements happen most often when I sitting, and are quite uncomfortable, haha.

28 weeks and very squinty eyes...
I had an appointment the day before hitting 30 weeks! When my OB checked on baby girl, she confirmed that baby had already moved into head down position (which I had already been suspecting for a couple weeks, as I mentioned above). Hopefully she will just stay there! Her heart rate is about the same, at 150-ish bpm. Also at this appointment, I unfortunately did not pass my first glucose test... :( This was just the first screening test to see if I have gestational diabetes. Because I didn't pass, I needed to go in for a second, more thorough test to know for sure. And from here on out, I will be visiting my OB about every two weeks (when my crazy schedule allows) instead of four until I reach 36 weeks, then it will be every week until baby girl is born!

Less than a week after this appointment, I headed to the hospital for the more intense glucose test to see if I actually had gestational diabetes. This meant fasting at least eight hours before the appointment and during it, twice as much nasty sugar drink to consume, and four blood draws during a nearly five hour long stay at the hospital. But luckily... I passed!! No gestational diabetes for me!

30 weeks
I feel huge
Pregnancy brain is a real thing. Not that I didn't believe it was, but experiencing it is different. One time, I was trying to count some cash we had. It was a total of about $200 with a mixture of $20, $10, and $5 bills. I counted the money at least four separate times and got a different result each time. This is just one example.

 - The back pain has begun! My back would hurt last month after I would do more physically activity than normal (like going on a hike), but that isn't too abnormal for me. I've had back problems for a while. But now, sleeping/lounging is not nearly as enjoyable. Ouch.
 - Leg pains/aching, especially at night.
 - Getting hungry more often. I need to eat pretty close before going to bed or I wake up in the middle of the night too hungry to sleep.
 - Heartburn/acid reflux has increased and so has my Tums intake. We're up to about 4 a day right now.
 - I'm really starting to dislike bending over to get things off the ground. Painting my toes is a struggle and I don't like putting on pants.
 - Clearer skin than normal.
 - I started substitute teaching again at the beginning of the month, which meant that I needed to start dressing more professionally. I had been wearing leggings, t-shirt dresses, or maternity shorts over the last month during the summer as I got bigger. I quickly realized that I no longer have any nice pants that fit me...
 - Successfully narrowed our baby name list down to less than five names. Still nothing picked out for sure though! And don't ask, because we aren't telling ;)
 - Now about 22 pounds above pre-pregnancy weight (WOW that was a lot in one month...)
 - Aversions: none
 - Cravings: cheesecake (this has been going on for months haha), fresh donuts, cereal

For anyone interested in knowing our baby registry information, here it is!

Also, how are there less than 10 weeks until baby girl is due already?!

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