Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Summer Plans 2016

We are so excited for summer 2016!! We think it will be the best yet :) Here is a little sneak peek of what we will be blogging about the next few months!


Yes, you read that right. WE GRADUATE!! We will both have our bachelors degrees. I will have a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Dustan will have a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. I will have finished education for my entire life! (At least as the student.) Dustan will continue his education with a Masters Degree in Mechanical Engineering (with an emphasis in Robotics) at BYU this upcoming fall. We are excited to have some family in town for the an upcoming Kraus wedding (Dustan's sister) and for our graduation!


Right after we graduate, we are headed to Europe to celebrate!!! We will be spending two weeks between Greece and Italy--a couple of my dream places to visit. We fly out the Sunday after graduation. In Greece, we will be visiting Satorini and Athens. In Italy, we will be visiting the Amalfi Coast, Rome, Cinque Terre, and Venice. Based on the planning that we have done, the trip will consist of about 1/4 history, 1/4 recreation (hiking, swimming, etc.) and 2/4 eating. The perfect trip :) This trip will obviously be blogged about extensively.


Dustan has officially accepted an internship with The Aerospace Corporation (yes, THE Aerospace Corporation haha) for the summer! They are located in El Segundo, California which is right on the coast touching the water, a little southwest of Los Angeles. Though the cost of living will be a bummer, the pay should more than make up for it. Based on the job description, Dustan will be working on navigation and control systems for Air Force satellites and missiles. I'll just be spending my days on the beach ;) just kidding... but we'll see what sort of job I can get in the area for a few months!

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