Sunday, January 3, 2016

Review of Our 2015 Goals

As we were writing our goals for 2016, we decided to look back on our post about our 2015 goals. Overall, they went fairly well!

For our physical goals, we did really well through the end of August, but totally fell off the wagon during fall semester. Before then, we were getting out to exercise most week days and even on the weekends sometimes.

Spiritually, we had a smashing success! We wanted to make sure we had Family Home Evening every week with a good lesson and activity, which we had nearly every singly week. We wanted to read a full chapter or scripture each night for companion study, and looking back on the year, we only missed a few days (one of which was on Christmas Eve when we fell asleep watching The Grinch, haha).

For our marriage goals, we wanted to go on a date each week, make new married friends, and plan a trip to Jamaica! We love going on dates each week, that one wasn't too hard :) during the beginning of last year, we had a hard time making married friends. We just seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. But during our short time in Iowa over the summer and back at BYU for fall, it went great and we have had a lot of fun doing game nights and going on trips and dates with new couples we've met. And of course, we LOVED our trip to Jamaica!

2015 was a great year, and we look forward to 2016!

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