Thursday, September 17, 2015

BYU Super Seniors

Fall semester at BYU is officially underway. We are both in our fifth and final year of schooling, and we are proud to call ourselves super seniors! As it was our last first day of school (for me at least), of course we had to take a picture with the Y!

Also, we were cool enough to be featured on #BYUFirstDay, which was neat-o.

We'll just give you a bit of an idea into the life of Dustan and Ellen:

6:30-7:30 am - wake up and great ready for school
7:30 am - bike a couple miles to campus (or drive if the weather is bad)
8:00 am-4:00 pm - classes all day long!
4:00 pm - bike back home
4:15-6:00 pm - attempt to work on homework
6:00-7:00 pm - make and eat dinner and relaxation!
7:00-10:00 pm - mixture of homework/family home evening/movies/exercising/ice cream
10:00 pm - personal and companion scripture study, then to bed!

And that is our typical school day! Combine that with job fairs, student teaching applications, church activities, sports, and more...and our semester looks like it is going to be a hectic one!

PS: If you haven't watched the first two BYU football games, you probably should. I don't know if Mangum will continue to deliver the rest of the season, but those first couple games were stellar!

And finally, here is a little picture my mom sent me. From my first day of kindergarten to my last first day of school ever :)


  1. Oh! That is the most precious picture of you when you were little! I am glad that you posted that. That picture of you at the football game made me SUPER homesick for BYU. And I like your schedule post too. Its fun knowing a little bit what your life is like!

    1. I got the schedule idea from you! I read your schedule in one of you September posts. And since I couldn't figure out anything else to right for this one, I decided to go a schedule!
