Monday, August 24, 2015

Hello Seattle

We were so sad to realize that we might not get the chance to go home to Kirkland, Washington this summer--for the first time in my life. But thank goodness for best friends who got engaged last minute and we just HAVE to attend their wedding ;) So we took a long weekend to visit my family (who we hadn't seen since Christmas) and celebrate a marriage.

We left Thursday evening on August 6th and flew into Seattle, arriving about the same time as my family who was driving home from California from the annual Judd vacation. We got in pretty late, so the fun didn't really start until Friday.

Friday was a family day--no one had to work, so we partied in a typical Nielson fashion. We played ping pong, horse, and bump in our backyard. Then we ate dinner at Kid Valley, played bocci ball at the park, and returned home to watch a movie. All the Nielson favorites :)

Lake Washington
My sister Leah!
Saturday was wedding day! Best wishes to Ashlee and Adam!! We loved attending their sealing in the Seattle temple. And best wishes to the 16 other couples that got sealed the same day ;) it was a busy day at the temple!

We are SO EXCITED to be married friends Ashlee and Adam!! Finally some friends to join the ranks of marriage! And we will only be living a few blocks away from each other in Provo this next year.

My mom and sister Leah went with us to the reception over in Port Orchard, Washington. It was at a cute little park and gazebo on the water. And even though it may have rained a bit, it was a blast! Some things we especially loved at the reception were Ashlee and Adam's choreographed dance, playing on the spinny toys at the nearby playground, eating cheesecake, dancing with the Spangler family to "Down with the Trumpets", and decorating the getaway car!

Sunday came way too fast. We went to my home ward church (though the boundaries had changed and I didn't really know many people anymore) and to a second sacrament meeting for a homecoming mission talk. After hours of church, we headed over to my grandparents in Bellevue to spend some quality time with the Nielson family. It was so great to see a lot of my extended family--and eat delicious homemade peach ice cream that I had been craving.

Straight from there we went to the airport to catch a red eye flight back to Iowa. We were supposed to be back in time to go to work around 10 am, but after a cancelled flight and problems with stand-bye, we didn't get back until about 6 pm... But hey, we got ourselves an unintentional 4 day weekend!

We are so excited to visit Seattle again come Thanksgiving :)

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