Wednesday, February 4, 2015

About Us

Dustan Paul Kraus 

About me:
I'm currently a student at Brigham Young University in Provo, UT studying mechanical engineering. I'm planning on graduating in April of 2016, and then it's time to make big boy decisions (cue scary music): grad school or not, where to live, where to work full time... you get the picture. For now though, I'm just enjoying living in a tiny apartment, working 24/6 (with school and working part time at US Synthetic), spending long nights in the engineering buildings on campus, and making the weekly spare moment to spend with Ellen going on a fun date. For real though, life is great! Even though I'm super busy, things couldn't be better. I'm married to the woman of my dreams, and have the gospel of Jesus Christ to keep everything in perspective. What could go wrong?

I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (aka Mormons), and love it! I believe that the original, true church of Jesus Christ was restored to the earth by God the Father and Jesus Christ through Joseph Smith and that the best way to be happy here and forever is to live by the commandments. We exist to have joy, and that's exactly what living the gospel of Jesus Christ brings.  Most people (if not all) reading this are already members of the church, but anyone who isn't should check out or flag down some missionaries (the guys/girls in suits and ties/dresses or skirts wearing name tags) and ask them how you can learn more. They'll be more than happy to talk to you (trust me, I was one). I served a two year mission for the church in Jamaica, and loved it!  I grew more during those two years than any other time in my life. Anyway... I digress..

Things I love:
Ellen, sports (specifically downhill/cross country/water skiing, wrestling, football, basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis, badminton, ultimate frisbee, swimming, mountain biking, racquetball, ping pong, shinny hockey... I guess I could have just left it at sports), the outdoors, reading, board/card games, playing piano, exercising, and eating delicious food (also known as Ellen's cooking... hoping to score some brownie points with that one... or just some brownies, I'd be happy with either).

Favorite Foods: Thai food and sushi hands down

Favorite Color: Electric blue (it must be electric)

Ellen Rachel (Nielson) Kraus

Being born and raised in the Seattle area gave me a great love of the outdoors and everything PNW... Except the weather. I hate rain and gloomy skies. Give me sunshine year round! But I love an overwhelming amount of green and blue in nature (and sports teams) and as my favorite colors. I love everything outdoors--and that's not just because I want to fit in to the Seattle stereotype. I have so much fun camping, exploring, hiking, getting lost, and just being outside. If the weather is nice and I'm not required to be inside, there is no doubt that I can be found in the sunshine reading a book.

Being born and raised in a great home game me a love of the gospel and a the knowledge of the importance of family. I can honestly say that I think family and the gospel have helped shape who I am today more than anything else. The example of the people around me that were strong members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints--especially my close friends and family—have had a huge impact on my life in habits and values. With their guidance, I was the type of person that was blessed to be married in the temple to a righteous and pretty much perfect man (in my own opinion). With our marriage based on Christ and the values of the gospel and family, I know Dustan and I will always find happiness.

Random Favorite Things:
Dustan, copious amounts of food, reading late at night, traveling adventures, chocolate, constantly singing and whistling, hiking, eating Dustan’s cooking (but only Thai curry, the rest are sketchy), touristy things, frolicking, watching movies, camping, Thai food, playing sports (though I will never claim to be good at them), country dancing, turquoise, and anything in water (swimming in the ocean, tubing, boating, etc.)

Current Bucket List Items: 
Sky diving, JAMAICA, graduate college with a Bachelors in Elementary Education without dying, New Zealand, hot air balloon ride, and eat more food without gaining weight.


  1. haha. You guys are the best. I am glad that you started a blog. I especially liked the brownies comment from Dustan.

  2. Man you guys know how to set the example :-), this is awesome, I love reading it!!
