Monday, November 25, 2019

Third Trimester with Baby #2

The FINAL COUNTDOWN!! Our lives are so busy right now that I almost wish we had more time before baby girl's due date, but also very excited to not be pregnant and just be with our baby instead. So conflicting, haha.

I'm starting to write this blog post at 30 weeks and will continue to update it throughout the last couple months of my pregnancy. So far, the heartburn hasn't gotten too much worse in the last month or so, which I'm very grateful for. The stomach is starting to become cumbersome though, making it difficult to put on shoes and pants and pick up things from the ground. I'm feeling like I have about five items of clothing that fit and that actually look okay. I haven't had any extreme back or pelvic or leg pain yet, which I got often toward the end of my pregnancy with Lou. I am weirdly exhausted, and often feel like I did during the first trimester again. I have fallen asleep on Eloise's floor multiple times while she plays, and even while trying to read books to her. I'm not sure if this is due to low iron, or if I'm just more tired as I near the end.

34 weeks here! I got started on some supplemental iron pills about a week ago and I think that they are maybe helping just a little? But I also have gotten some more sleep in the last week or two than I had been before, so it is hard to tell haha. But I have been falling asleep on Lou's floor while she plays less this week than previous weeks, which is good. I'm getting many Braxton Hicks each day, and they are only a little uncomfortable. When I look at pictures from my pregnancy with Eloise, it actually looks like my belly is smaller this time around and I have gained quite a bit less weight overall, which is a bit surprising to me. The heartburn also isn't as bad, I'm only needing about one to three Tums a day, whereas with Lou towards the end I was maxing out at five to eight each day with some discomfort still (maybe this baby will be bald?!). Definitely feeling more discomfort and some pelvic pain, but really not too terrible yet. And I'm generally still sleeping well. I feel like it was harder toward the end with my last pregnancy, though hopefully I'm not speaking too soon haha.

Now that I'm finishing up 37 weeks, I have officially reached the terribly uncomfortable end of pregnancy stage! I'm glad it held off for this long. My back is often sore, the pelvic pain is especially bad when trying to turn over in bed or put on pants, and my hips feel like they're completely out of place. We also had an interesting last week. I was experiencing super bad upper back pain and chest pain and difficulty breathing one evening, so we ended up heading to Labor & Delivery to make sure everything was okay with baby. We found out I was dilated to a three (woohoo!) but I wasn't actually in labor, so I was sent over to the ER instead. Where we found I have pneumonia, which apparently you can just get in your lungs without being sick at all prior (am I the only one that didn't know that?). So I've been on antibiotics for that. Then a couple days later, I had my regular appointment with my OB and my blood pressure was too high, so I was sent over to L&D once again. I was monitored for a couple hours and my BP went down so I was sent back home without needing to be induced, which was good. So now we wait! But after those two incidents, we finally got our crap together and got prepared for the baby by washing the newborn clothes, packing the hospital bag, and setting up the bassinet and rocking chair. We've got this!

Here are some maternity pictures taken at 37 weeks :)

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