Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Girls Weekend in Colorado

Dustan's brother Garrett is getting married this fall, so another girl will be joining the Kraus Family! To celebrate and get to know Lindsay better, we had a girls weekend in Colorado. Dustan and Garrett were left behind, while Lindsay, Eloise, and I drove out to Windsor, Colorado to spend a few days with Jen (Dustan's mom), Taylor and Erin (Dustan's sisters), Elodie (Taylor's baby and Eloise's only cousin), and of course the Kraus boys still at home. It was a blast! We loved being able to visit and explore the new Kraus home and party together.

One of the first major outings we did was go boating on the nearby Boyd Lake. The whole family went--including the boys ;) someone had to drive the boat and watch the babies! We spent about five or six hours straight on the boat, it was a blast.

I tried water skiing for the first time and was unsuccessful at getting up, even after half a dozen or more attempts, haha. It was fun watching others water ski or slalom ski. It was so nice to have so many people who want to hold, play with, feed and just love on Eloise. It made the day so much more relaxing for me! And Lou seriously loves her family. I was very impressed that they were able to get her to nap twice on the boat that day!

We did some swimming around the boat and Eloise and Elodie even got in. And we went tubing, which I am capable of doing, haha. We even got all four of us girls on the tube! We couldn't stop laughing. I think I could happily spend many hours every week on a boat. I love being on the water!

That evening, we went to a free concert in the park and listened to a Celtic band. Eloise was so grumpy and sensitive that evening and decided to poop on her clothes, but it was still nice to be out, haha.

And of course, each morning and evening when we weren't out and about consisted of playing with the babies :)

The next day, we spent the afternoon on the river. The babies played the afternoon away with their Oma Jen and Opa Paul, while Paul took a few breaks to shuttle us girls (and Levi) up the river again and again so we could float down. We would drive up just a few miles and it would take about 45 minutes for us to float down in our tubes. There were a few little rapid parts that were a blast to go through. On the last run of the day, we decided that it would be fun to have two girls on each of the big tubes. Maybe not the best choice, because I think each of us got flipped or fell off the rube at some point during the float, haha. Erin and I were sharing a tube, and we got flipped right before some rapids. I held on to the tube and got banged up pretty good before being able to hop back on again. But it was still a great ride! Unfortunately, we don't have any pictures from our tubing adventures.

The babies hung out on the side of the beach together. They played in the pack-n-play, swung in the hammock, dipped in the river, and even took a nap together!

That evening after the babies went to sleep, us girls headed to downtown Windsor for a late dinner together. We got yummy pizza and salad from Hearth and chatted and laughed lots.

Saturday started out with a visit to the local farmers' market, where we ate some good food (lots of free samples, the best) and just chatted while the babies stayed home once again.

That evening, again, without the babies, some of us went out on a shorter boat ride. It was a little more cloudy and cool, but still a beautiful day to be out on the water! Paul let each of us take a turn driving the boat, which was only a little stressful. Again, I tried water skiing and was able to get up a couple times! Though I only lasted a couple second before falling on my face again, I count it haha. The babies loved their time at home with Oma and Uncle Bryant :)

Sunday arrived, our last day! After church, we just had a very relaxing sabbath. We played some games, watched a movie, and ate delicious pulled pork. Of course we also had to have a little photoshoot of the cutest little cousins to EVER EXIST. They were adorable and cooperated so well. And once you start taking pictures of the babies, everyone wants on with them! (Though I won't post all of those, too many haha.) That night, we goofed off in the basement by sliding around on cardboard and playing fun games.

Lindsay, Lou, and I drove back pretty early Monday morning. But it was such a fun weekend and I am SO HAPPY that we were able to go!! It was a blast! And I'll just leave this picture here for you... ;)


1 comment:

  1. Ahhh!! I loved all of those pictures! The girls weekend seems like it was SO fun. Thats such a great thing that you were able to bond before they get married. And the naked bum pic wins for the best. For sure.
