Sunday, March 26, 2017

Las Vegas for the 2017 WCC

Once again, we went to Las Vegas for a weekend for the men's college basketball West Coast Conference! We went last year for the 2016 WCC, which was a blast. We love taking a little break from school in March to go down there with friends and play for a weekend :)

Last year, we had a huge group of about 15 people that explored Vegas together. Once again, my old roommate, Kaitlyn, and her awesome family housed us for the weekend. Lucky for them though, there was only a group of seven this year!

Our car (with me and Dustan, and PJ and Katie) left around noon on Friday. We spent the whole drive eating junk food and watching season 5 of Psych of their car TV. The others (Blake and Jenna) joined us at Kaitlyn's home later than night after getting off work.

Before even getting to Kaitlyn's in Henderson (about 20 minutes from the Strip) though, we stopped for some amazing vanilla custard at Luv It Custard in Las Vegas. So delicious.

From there, we drove on to Kaitlyn's house. That evening, we just chilled and had fun eating good food, played basketball outside in the warm weather, watched sports on TV, raced in Mario Kart, and played board games. We stayed up until the others arrived, then kept playing until about 2 in the morning. Way past our bed time! We were all happy that Dustan didn't get any sort of allergic reaction this year, haha.

The boys woke up earlier than us girls on Saturday to go play basketball outside. And of course, since Dustan didn't get an allergic reaction, he had to go hurt himself instead ;) In literally their last game of the morning, Dustan landed wrong and sprained his ankle pretty good. He was able to walk on it okay, but he had a nice limp.

After breakfast, we headed to the Orleans Arena in the heart of Las Vegas for the reason we came--BYU was playing in the WCC tournament! We came early to pick up our ROC Vegas game t-shirts, then strolled around the Arena in the sunny weather before the game was to start.

It was a fun game, even with a lot of fouls being called. We won against LMU, yay!! Also, free shirts FTW. And they were super cool shirts this year!

After the game, we went to Tacos El Gordo for some lunch. Really yummy and pretty cheap for Vegas eats. The males really went for it, haha.

The BEST taco of them all
After our late lunch, we took a quick walk around the Bellagio Hotel Arcadia to see what artsy display/garden was set up (it apparently changes every season). This year is the Year of the Rooster for the Chinese New Year, so it had some fun and beautiful Chinese culture displays, as well as giant roosters, haha.

That evening at Kaitlyn's home, we did the usual. We played some basketball (though we kept it chill for Dustan, playing PIG and Sevens), ate cheesecake, watched sports, and played games. We didn't get to bed that night quite as late--we didn't want to be exhausted for church and the drive back to Provo the next day.

Sunday was wonderful. We got asked to help out in nursery for the second and third hour (funny, since Dustan and I are already in nursery all the time in our home ward). After church, we ate a quick lunch, then PJ, Katie, Dustan, and I headed home to Provo! We made great time.

Blake and Jenna stayed in Vegas a couple more days to go to BYU's second tournament game against Saint Mary's with Kaitlyn. Unfortunately, we were totally destroyed, haha. But nonetheless, it was a fun weekend! We love our WCC Vegas tradition :)

And here is a picture of Dustan's sprained ankle a few days later:

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