Monday, November 1, 2021

First Trimester with Baby #3

ANOTHER BABY!! We're so excited to add another cute babe to our family :) These were the pictures we used to announce our pregnancy to the world, though they were taken in the second trimester.

Our baby's current due date is April 13th, 2022. This will be the first time I'll be pregnant through the winter time! I absolutely refused to have another baby in November or anywhere near there haha. Here is the picture we used earlier in the pregnancy to announce it to our families and siblings :)

As with our girls, Dustan and I found out I was pregnant very early one, when I was only about 4 ish weeks pregnant. It was the morning before I flew off to visit my family with the girls, and I actually kept it a secret from them too. I prefer to wait to tell family until 8+ weeks, and it was fun to have it between just Dustan and I for a little bit :)

I felt pretty good for most of our trip, until the last few days. The very first symptom I had was that I become short of breath, almost immediately after finding out I was pregnant. It would be hard to even sing a song to my girls because I would run out of breath. I had previously been doing intermittent fasting and didn't normally eat until 1 pm or later each day. But my last couple days there (around 5-6 weeks), I had to eat a little breakfast to fight off slight nausea. On one of my last days on the trip, I threw up on a hike (though I think this was also because of smokey weather and high elevation, not just because of pregnancy). I was also exhausted. I would fall asleep while playing with the girls and during shows/movies, which are both abnormal for me. It didn't help that I was staying up later to hang out with my family.

About a week after getting home, around 6 to 7 weeks pregnant, I started feeling a little more nauseous every day. I started throwing up a couples times a week, though it was never as bad as it was with my other girls. I was also able to eat slightly more normally than I usually was able to in the past. I knew better this time around to just snack all day, to prevent the sick feeling that came with an empty stomach. 

At about 8 weeks, we had an ultrasound and got to hear baby's heartbeat :)

Also at about 8 weeks, I got a terrible runny nose. It was running all day long. I was going through a minimum of 30-50 tissues each day, it was so bad. I would wake up in the middle of the night every single night, not being able to breath because it was stuffy, then not being able to sleep for over an hour because it wouldn't stop running. This lasted for nearly a month! It wasn't a cold or any real sickness because I had no other symptoms at all. Finally, after about a month of having a permanently runny nose, carrying a box of tissues everywhere, my nose being bright red and dry, it finally slowed down and was mostly just running overnight and in the morning. Hopefully in the second trimester it will stop! But apparently a runny nose is a pregnancy symptom that I've never had before. I would take it over the intense nausea, but not by much!

The nausea really started to calm down right at the end of the first trimester, which was quicker than normal. What a blessing to not have that so long this time!

Hopefully my second trimester (especially weeks 20-30) are as good as they usually are for me! We can't wait to find out the gender and talk to our girls about baby more! This picture, taken in Moab, was right towards the end of the first trimester. The cooler weather in Utah really made me feel better than normal, so I was able to do a lot of hiking! The baby belly definitely popped out a lot faster and bigger this time around!

Monday, July 26, 2021

Finley at 18 Months

 - Whole milk
 - Water activities (pool, bath, water table, etc.)
 - Animals
 - Hikes
 - Pushing strollers, carts, etc.
 - Trampoline
 - Oatmeal and most breakfast foods (but not toast and eggs right now)
 - Playgrounds
 - Drinking water
 - Hugs and kisses
 - All desserts
 - Playing in dirt and sand
 - Pat-a-Cake and other songs with motions
 - Her Sloth (sleep lovey)
 - Giving head bonks

 - Being hungry
 - Most vegetables and meats and a lot of food she used to love, haha
 - Lou taking toys from her
 - Getting her diaper changed right when she wakes up
 - Being told "no"

 - Signs ("more", "milk"), "all done", "cold", "hot", "book"
 - Says (hi, mama, dada, uh oh, no, banana, shh), hot, dog, yes/yeah, nose, ear, eyes, hair, toes, good job, Lou/Lou Lou, and a few others that I'm sure I forgot!
 - Knows a few animal sounds when asked
 - Plays Pat-A-Cake
 - Can locate multiple body parts when asked, and constantly pokes your own face to point them out - nose (her favorite), mouth, teeth, ear, hair, eyes, toes, belly button, elbow
 - Folds her arms to pray
 - Climbs onto chairs, couches, tables, etc.
 - Walks backwards 
 - Gives high fives, then knuckles, then "doodle doodle doo" (finger wiggles)

 - Weight:
 - Height:
 - Wears size 3 diapers, and is mostly in 12 months clothes, with a few larger things.
 - Has 14 teeth, with four of them being molars. Just missing a couple canines!
 - Throws hilarious little tantrums where she shouts "no", stomps away, and pouts and ignored you. Thankfully they usually only last about one minute before she's loving on you again.
 - Pulls her bangs out of her face occasionally, and it is so cute to see

Newest schedule with some big changes! At 16 months, we completely dropped nursing. It was just a tiny bit sad, but not much. To be honest, though I sometimes enjoyed the quiet time with Finn, I was never a mom who just adored nursing. But we dropped it very slowly over the course of a few months, and it went really well! No tears or tantrums from either of us ;) Then at 17 months, after a lot of back and forth, we officially just went cold turkey and switched to one nap from two. And though she still often starts rubbing her eyes by 11 am ish, she is happy and goes down for a nap quickly and happily at 1. Her naps are still only about an hour and half, but I'm hoping they'll lengthen soon to at least two hours.

8:00 am - Wake up
8:30 am - Breakfast with whole milk
12:15 pm - Lunch with whole milk
1:00 pm - Nap
4:00 pm - Snack 
6:00 pm - Dinner with whole milk
7:15 pm - Bedtime routine
7:30 pm - Bed

This age is honestly one of my favorites. Finley is learning new things every single day and I love it! She is soaking in so much new information, trying new things, and showing my how much she learns without any intervention from me at all. She is learning new works and skills regularly, I know this time will go by so fast! I know that by the time Finley turns two in just some short months, she will be so different!

Friday, February 26, 2021

Finley at 15 Months

Finn is a little younger than 15 months here, but I just love this picture of her *heart eyes*

 - Peek-a-boo
 - Her stuffed sloth (sleep lovey)
 - Being chased
 - Milk
 - Fruit, especially berries
 - Playing musical instruments, especially the kazoo
 - German pancakes
 - Following Lou everywhere
 - Playing in water (bath, water table, etc.)
 - Ice cream
 - Giving toys snuggles and kisses (and saying "aww" everytime)
 - When Dustan or I get home after a time away (a couple hours or more)
 - Playing outside
 - Dancing with us
 - Brushing her own hair
 - Going on hikes
 - Baby dolls
 - Playing on beds
 - Musical instruments, especially the kazoo

 - Being hungry
 - Most vegetables and meats
 - Getting boogers sucked
 - Getting her diaper changed right when she wakes up

 - Walking! (right at 14 months)
 - Blowing kisses
 - Signing "more" and "milk" consistently
 - Waves
 - Says hi, mama, dada, uh oh, no, banana, and shh (while putting a finger to her lips)
 - Knows a couple animal sounds when asked
 - Plays peek-a-boo by covering her face with her hands
 - Can locate a couple body parts when asked (belly button and nose)

 - Wears size 3 diapers, and is mostly in 12 months clothes, with a few smaller things.
 - Finley still seems on the fence about whether or not she likes books, haha. We'll get there eventually!
 - Not too interested in watching any TV yet, even "Little Baby Bum" (maybe this is a blessing?)
 - Still nursing, but only twice a day: first thing in the morning, and right before bed at night. I think it's likely she'll be done altogether within a month. I doubt she is getting much any more.
 - I've tried to teach Finley some animal sounds, but she has literally no interest, though sometimes she'll bark back at dogs and other animals haha.

Finley's schedule is the same as it has been for months, though I think she'll switch to one nap here in the next month or so. She still takes two naps, and they're usually an hour to an hour and a half each. She still sleeps about 12 hours overnight. Just a couple weeks after turning one, I dropped the late afternoon nursing session, and only nursed three times a day. At about 14 months, I dropped another nursing session and now only nurse morning and night. Here is the schedule: 

7:30 am - Wake up and nurse
8:30 am - Breakfast with whole milk
10:00 am - Nap
12:30 pm - Lunch with whole milk
2:30 pm - Nap
4:00 pm - Snack 
6:00 pm - Dinner with whole milk
7:15 pm - Nurse, bedtime routine
7:30 pm - Bed

It is so fun to watch this girl walk around! Finley took her first steps on Christmas (at about 13 months) and inconsistently took steps on and off for the next month. She started walking in earnest and trying consistently right at about 14 months old. A month later now, she never crawls anymore (unless she is mimicking Eloise) and is pretty fast and steady now. She is also getting better at climbing up things, like onto Lou's bed or up the ladder of our little slide. And more importantly to me, she is pretty good at getting back down!

Finley has started to get more feisty this month, and will swat at you and say "no" when you offer her something she doesn't want or when you are doing something she doesn't like. But she is also more snuggly this month, which I just LOVE. She will give me quick hugs and kisses regularly throughout the day, and will snuggle me for more extended times when she is tired. Finn almost always lays her head on my shoulder when I sing to her for naps and bedtime, and will sometimes follow it up with a kiss.

Finn loves to follow Eloise around all day, and they actually play together without my supervision sometimes! What a blessing. I love watching them play together. Most often, the girls are crawling behind the couch underneath our sofa table or jumping on Lou's bed or looking out the windows. One morning just recently, they played together in Lou's room for 45 minutes without me! It was amazing.

Finley is definitely starting to talk more, and can often mimic word sounds semi well. She has about half a dozen words she knows, and others she will repeat. I can tell that she is really starting to understand a lot of what I say though. I can ask her to do things--such as "Go to your high chair for breakfast", or "Give your animal a snuggle" or even just "Sit down please"--and she will often follow the command! 

I can't believe we have a 15 month old! Finley's personality is definitely starting to come out and it is so fun! I love seeing my girls together.