- Chasing/crawling after Eloise
- Fruit, especially berries
- Hugs and kisses from Eloise
- Drinking water
- Bath and pool time
- Playing in dirt and sand
- Seeing me or Dustan after a time apart
- Playing with hair
- Toast and pancakes and cheerios and oatmeal
- Dancing and music
- Being hungry
- Being laid on her back (clothes and diaper changes)
- Most vegetables and meat and eggs
- Responding/turning when we say her name
- Riding in a shopping cart (poor, Covid baby haha)
- Saying "uh oh" and "mama" and "dada"
- Getting up on hands a feet/bear crawling
- Tantrum
- Clothes: 6-9 months
- Diaper Size: 3 (though I honestly think she would still fit 2s fine haha)
- We are still exclusively nursing! I do feel like I am producing less milk, but we tried to give Finley some of my freezer stash a couple times this month and she wasn't interested.
- Still just has four cute teeth, but her gums have seemed a little more swollen and red at the end of this month.
- Dustan and I were kinda lame parents and didn't dress Finn up for Halloween at all...
Finley is still on the same schedule as last month, and her naps and early mornings have improved, yay! She is sleeping longer for her naps, and she is usually sleeping until 7:00 am or later most mornings. She has started to have some trouble falling asleep for her naps, especially the morning nap. So I'm wondering if it is getting time to push back the time of her naps to a little later or cut them shorter. We'll see. I just hope she keeps her two naps for at least another few months! I'm not ready for her to be on one nap just yet!
7:30 am - Wake up and nurse
8:30 am - Breakfast
10:00 am - Nap
11:30 am - Nurse
11:30 am - Nurse
12:30 pm - Lunch
2:30 pm - Nap
4:00 pm - Nurse and snack
6:00 pm - Dinner
7:15 pm - Nurse, bedtime routine
7:30 pm - Bed
2:30 pm - Nap
4:00 pm - Nurse and snack
6:00 pm - Dinner
7:15 pm - Nurse, bedtime routine
7:30 pm - Bed
Finley has started to be a little sneaky/naughty this month and loves to get into everything. And she knows she's not supposed to, which is the funny part. She is constantly trying to climb into the fireplace and is sticking her hands in the dirt of my plants. She will look at me, give me her sweetest and crinkliest grin, then crawl as fast as possible to my plants or into the bathroom. I'm just thankful she hasn't realized she is totally capable of opening cupboards and drawers yet! I'm sure Eloise will teach her how soon enough. Finley often thinks it's so funny when I drag her away, but she also likes to throw mini tantrums and clench her fists and scream at me. I don't remember this starting to early with Lou, haha.
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A pretty cool place to nurse |
Finn is getting a lot faster at crawling, and is really improving at crawling over objects. She will pull/push to stand on low objects like legs or pillows, but hasn't really figured out how to do it on higher things like the couch or chairs. She doesn't love to stand, though can sometimes do it independently for a few seconds when placed in the position, and does some balance correcting. She won't take steps with balance support. Overall, she is hitting her milestones just on time. I find it so interesting how different our girls are, and developing wonderfully in their own timeline :)
This month, we took a fall break trip to southeast Utah and stayed in a cabin south of Moab. We were a little worried beforehand about how the girls would do with our whole family sleeping together in one room and being out of the house from breakfast to dinner time every day, but they did amazing! Both girls slept well overnight, even when we put them to bed late every night. They both took naps in the car and in the hiking backpacks every day. And they were both still happy girls :)
We can't believe our girls turn one and three next month!! We're so lucky to have them <3