Saturday, September 26, 2020

Finley at Ten Months

 - Crawling! 
 - Playing the drums and xylophone
 - Fruit, especially blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and peaches
 - Toast and pancakes and cheerios
 - Dancing
 - "Chasing" Lou around while we hold her
 - Pool and bath
 - Music
 - Playing with and pulling hair
 - Jumping in your lap
 - Trying to eat every speck she finds on the floor
 - Having yelling matches with Lou
 - Peek-a-boo

 - Being hungry
 - Falling over from sitting
 - When mama leaves the room
 - Having toys taken away

 - Dancing (shaking her head back and forth)
 - Going from belly to sitting
 - Bike ride
 - Crawling
 - Gives kisses (very open mouthed haha)
 - Pulling to stand (only done it once on the side of the bathtub)

 - Clothes: 6 months
 - Diaper Size: 2 (but should be in size 3, I'm just trying to finish up this box haha)
 - Now has four cute teeth! Her teeth on top are sooo spread apart, it kills me! I love it.
 - She has been so snuggly this month, and will just rest her head on my shoulder regularly when I'm holding her. 
 - Still has the most crinkly smile, which is now made even better with front teeth!
 - Plays with her hair/scratches her head while nursing and going to sleep.

I can't believe how close our girl is to turning one!! Her fun loving, energetic, and goofy personality is starting to shine through and it just makes me love her more!

Her schedule is about the same as it has been, just with a little more inconsistencies.

7:30 am - Wake up (ideally), nurse
9:00 am - Breakfast
10:00 am - Nap
11:30 am - Nurse
1:00 pm - Lunch
2:30 pm - Nap
4:00 pm - Nurse, snack if needed
6:00 pm - Dinner
7:15 pm - Nurse, bedtime routine
7:30 pm - Bed

This schedule has mostly been working well for the most part. 7:30 am is the ideal wake up time I would like for Finley (and Eloise), but for some reason she has been waking up by 6:30 or even earlier ever since we got back from our trip to Washington. There was no time change, so I'm not sure what the reason is for suddenly waking up so much earlier. In addition to that, Finley has really been struggling with her afternoon nap and only sleeping for about 30 minutes before waking up upset and refusing to go back to sleep. Overall, she is very suddenly getting hours less sleep than before! Hopefully her sleep will improve, but I'm not sure yet what has happened.

Sadly, Finn has started to get more picky with what she eats. She still eats a shocking amount of food most meals, but is less willing to eat everything. She still eats better than Lou, but she doesn't just eat everything in front of her like she used to haha. 

Finley learned to crawl this month! We looked up some exercises to help her out and learn how, since she was obviously starting to get frustrated when trying to move around. We had her regularly play on her knees, and situated her on knees and hands with toys. Eventually, she started walking her hands forward and we would move the opposite knee up simultaneously. Once we were doing these activities regularly for a few weeks, Finn figured it out! Just a few days before she turned 10 months old. She's still super slow, but she is already so much happier being independent and playing. 

We can't believe our silly Finn is almost one!! We sure do love this girl and having her in our family :)