My wonderful mom and sister threw me a baby shower this month while Dustan and I were visiting home in Washington for a short week. It was great to see and visit with people I have known my whole life. We had the baby shower in the evening out on our deck and ate delicious food--including one of my all time favorite treats, trifle. Thanks to those attending the shower, baby girl finally has the start of a wardrobe, many fluffy blankets and towels, and even some toys :) We are so so grateful!

Dustan finally felt the baby kick during week 26!! I have been talking about it for weeks, and couldn't wait until Dustan finally felt her. She has been strong enough for a few weeks now, but I felt like every time I had Dustan put his hand on my belly, baby girl immediately stopped moving, haha. It was like a game. But we finally got the timing right! We were just laying on the couch watching a show when I felt her kick the same place a couple times, so I had him put his hand on the spot. Within a minute, she gave one of her usual kicks and Dustan felt it! It was awesome :)
Week 24 |
We went on a third anniversary trip/babymoon at the end of this month. We drove up north and explored Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park. We LOVED it! I definitely had a harder time hiking around and sleeping compared to normal, but we enjoyed having one last little trip before school starts, life gets busy again, and baby comes :) A full blog post will be coming later about this trip (much later, I'm so behind)!
Week 26 |
This has easily been my favorite month of pregnancy so far. I have lost pretty much all my nausea finally, and feel healthy and able to do
almost anything I could pre-pregnancy. I've been able to go on short runs/jogs, hike, and weight lift. I'm a little slower than I used to be and have slightly less stamina, but it is not significant. And really, anything is better than how I felt during the first trimester! Though my stomach is big enough now to prevent me from wearing a large majority of my clothes normally, it hasn't prevented me from
doing anything yet. I love baby girl's kicks and movements throughout the day, but she isn't strong enough or big enough yet for them to be uncomfortable. All in all, this has been the best month!! I know most women start to get uncomfortable during the last trimester, but I hope these feelings stay for another month!
- Feel baby girl moving around every time I slow down (standing still, sitting, etc.), usually at least once every 5 or 10 minutes. She is typically most active around dinner time.
- Still feel nauseous if I forget to eat every few hours. But I really only got nauseous a few times this month, and NO throwing up at all! Yay!
- Still have the acid reflux feelings, especially after dinner, but it hasn't gotten any worse in the last month, which I really appreciate.
- Got our first baby clothes, toys, and gear this month! So exciting!! Thank you, kind humans <3
- Now about 15 pounds above pre-pregnancy weight
- Aversions: tilapia, things that look gross (if I think they look gross, then they will also taste gross)
- Cravings: cheesecake, taquitos, slurpees, plums and peaches
For anyone interested in knowing our baby registry information, here it is!