There is so much to do in Utah Valley in the fall! Unfortunately, Dustan is also in full swing with his mechanical engineering master's program and keeps busy. We always find the time to get out and have some fun :)
One of the first things we did when we reached Utah was go camping at our favorite spot in the Nebo Loop up Pole Canyon. (We have gone camping here every fall since we have been married, we wrote about it a little more
here.) Our absolute favorite spot was actually taken, but after driving up the road just a few more minutes we found a spot almost just as good and way easier to drive to--just slightly less beautiful. We went with our good friends Ashlee and Adam, once again. Highlights of the camping trip: it only rained for about 30 minutes, roasted brats and starburst, seeing mama deer and her babies, playing lots of games of horseshoe, and shooting clay pigeons with our shotgun.

We hiked Mount Timp a few weeks after school started, but that feat deserved it's own
blog post! I preferred the camping, personally ;)
I had a couple days off in October while all the Utah schools went on Fall Break. So I hung out with Dustan! On Thursday I accompanied him to his lab and tried out their sweet virtual reality system (an HTC Vive)--it totally blew my mind. On Friday, we drove up near Brighton Ski Resort and did a couple short hikes/walks. We were hoping the hikes would still have a few fall colors on the trees, but alas, it was mostly dead up there, haha. Willow Lake would be absolutely gorgeous with the fall colors, so we hope to go up again next year before it's this late.
Willow Lake |
Silver Lake |
One of the main staples of fun during the fall semester in Provo is the sporting events. As usual, we purchased BYU All Sports Passes (I almost cried because I couldn't get a student priced pass anymore). We made it to most of the football and basketball games this semester, and a couple women's soccer games. We loved being able to go to the games, cheer on our school, and hang out with friends that we otherwise don't get to spend too much time with.
BYU Football vs. Southern Utah |
BYU Football vs. Southern Utah |
For Thanksgiving, Dustan and I were blessed to be able to take off an entire week to go hang out with our Kraus family! We really packed in the fun that week--enough to make up for our boringness the rest of the semester ;) That trip was blogged about
here, though.
Recently, Costco held a BYU alumni event. The first ten people at the alumni event would receive a free one year Costco membership. So naturally, we sat in 20 degree weather for two hours before Costco opened and we won a free membership!
And that was about our last exciting thing before we head off to Christmas break in Washington!!